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Aligning Your Divine Presence with Divine Will

Firstly I blend my energies as one by igniting my heart flame 6ft around my heart in every direction. I Recognise my divinity - the divinity that is within every aspect of my being. I Hold this flame and allow it to grow through the cocoon of my being that is 6-8ft around my heart. I now Breathe in and release all energy through my crown chakra to Source that may be built up through cellular memory releasing from my chakras to my cocoon. I now Breathe in and allow the eternal love that is present within and without me to merge through me in a higher concentration.

As this occurs my chakras begin to align, expand, release and open to my Divine Presence.
You may have some wounds in your chakras that are not as easy to lift. I Breathe in and call to my Male Planetary Presence to release any ties he may have within my energy body that is blocking my communion with the Divine. I Call for the Master Serapis Bey to assist this male aspect of myself to let go of all that he holds to block this communion. I Call to the Karmic Board to oversoul this process and I ask for karmic absolution for all that blocks this.

I Breathe the love of my heart flame out of my cocoon through the Chiron Gateway that lies 6ft to the right of my heart and intend for my Male Planetary Presence to receive this heart flame. I intend the heart flame of this my Male Planetary Presence that stands within that gateway to ignite and ask this Male Planetary Presence to step into the holy fire of karmic release. I Breathe as this occurs and this Male Planetary Presence chooses to merge with me and allow my Divine Presence access into my cocoon through this gateway.

I now call upon my Female Planetary Presence and ask you to release all hold over me that may be blocking my communion with my Divine Presence. I Call to Mother Mary to assist this female galactic presence to let go of all old wounds and to forgive all that has occurred to create this. I Send my heart flame into the Mayan Gateway , on the left of 6ft from my heart, and I recognize that this female aspect of myself stands in this gateway. I Ignite the flame in her heart and ask her to step into the holy fire and let go all to this karmic release. I now ask for karmic absolution for all that blocks this process. I now Breathe and allow all to resolve just through the breath and the recognition of the divinity within all aspects of all beings.

I now call for my Male Galactic Presence to release all hold over me that may be blocking my communion with my Divine Presence. I Call to Lord Buddha to assist this male galactic presence to let go of all old wounds and to forgive all that has occurred to create this. I Send my heart flame into the Arcturian Gateway, 6ft below my heart and I recognize that this male aspect of myself stands in this gateway. I ignite the flame in his heart and ask him to step into the holy fire and let go all to this karmic release. I ask for karmic absolution for all that blocks this process. I now Breathe and allow all to resolve just through the breath and the recognition of the divinity within all aspects of all beings.

I now call upon my Female Galactic Presence to release all hold over me that may be blocking my communion with my Divine Presence. I Call to Lady Andromeda to assist this Female Galactic Presence to let go of all old wounds and to forgive all that has occurred to create this. I send my heart flame into the Andromedan Gateway, 6ft above my heart and I recognize that this female aspect of myself stands in this gateway. I ignite the flame in her heart and ask her to step into the holy fire and let go all to this karmic release. I ask for karmic absolution for all that blocks this process. I Breathe and allow all to resolve just through the breath and the recognition of the divinity within all aspects of all beings.

I now call upon my Male Universal Presence to release all hold over me that may be blocking my communion with my Divine Presence. I Call to Archangel Metatron to assist this Male Universal Presence to let go of all old wounds and to forgive all that has occurred to create this. I Send my heart flame into the Sirian Gateway , 6ft behind my heart, and I recognize that this male aspect of myself stands in this gateway. I Ignite the flame in his heart and ask him to step into the holy fire and let go all to this karmic release. I now ask for karmic absolution for all that blocks this process. Breathe and allow all to resolve just through the breath and the recognition of the divinity within all aspects of all beings.

I now call for my Female Universal Presence to release all hold over me that may be blocking my communion with my Divine Presence. I call to the Divine Mother to assist this Female Universal Presence to let go of all old wounds and to forgive all that has occurred to create this. I send my heart flame into the Venusian Gateway , 6ft in front of my heart and I recognize that this female aspect of myself stands in this gateway. I ignite the flame in her heart and ask her to step into the holy fire and let go all to this karmic release. I ask for karmic absolution for all that blocks this process. I Breathe and allow all to resolve just through the breath and the recognition of the divinity within all aspects of all beings.

I call now to my Male and Female Planetary Presences, my Male and Female Galactic Presences and my Male and Female Universal Presences to connect deeply each day with my Divine Presence, so that I may receive the love and wisdom of the Divine through your beings.

Call now for your Divine Presence to anchor through you and sound the God/dess Presence mantra 13 times


(Channeled by Qala Serenia Kikiya Phoenix - www.g-a-i-a.com

(www.light-elixirs.com www.ascend.org.au )

(Note: I have reworded the original text to be in the first person as a personal invocation - ZaKaiRan).