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Articles, Podcasts, Audios & Videos
by ZaKaiRan

FREE Book, Audio & Video Series
"The Master Keys of Success & Freedom"
9 Success & Law of Attraction Secrets
to Eliminate What Is Holding You Back from Achieving Your Dreams!

FREE Book, Audio & Video Series
The Top 10 Secrets of Success & The Law of Attraction
To Easily and Quickly Manifest your Dreams and Desires into your Physical Reality
and Propel you to Inevitable Success & Freedom!

FREE E-Book "The Mini Ascension Masters Toolkit"
Containing the basic core techniques for releasing and manifesting
from my book "the Ascension Master’s Toolkit"

"El Mini Juego De Herramientas de los Maestros de la Ascensión"
Contiene las técnicas básicas fundamentales para la liberación y manifestar de mi libro "Caja de Herramientas De Los Maestros de la Ascensión"
The Ascension Masters Toolkit
An Ascension Manual of Epic Proportions
Caja de Herramientas De Los Maestros de la Ascensión
Un Manual de la Ascensión de proporciones épicas

Ascension Mastery 101
Recipes for En-Light-en-Ment

La Maestría de la Ascensiòn 101 - Recetas para la iluminación

Excerpts from
Ascension Mastery 101

Ascension Mastery 101

How to Co-Create Heaven on Earth

Recipes for En-Light-en-Ment

Recommendations on waking yourself up from the dream of survival, separation and limitation, to the True Reality of Divine Expression. To assist you in embodying your Spirit/Higher Self/ Overself/True Self/ Who you truly are... into your humanness to become a Cosmic Human. And helping you to remember and
manifest your vision of Heaven on Earth!

Ascension Mastery 101 - Ebook
$7 AUD

Ascension Mastery 101 - Hardcopy
including shipping to Australia
$15 AUD
Ascension Mastery 101 - Hardcopy
including shipping International
$20 AUD


Excerpts from
Ascension Mastery 101

La Maestría de la Ascensiòn 101

Como Co-Crear el Cielo en tu Vida

Recetas para Iluminarse

Recomendaciones sobre el despertar de ti mismo del sueño de sobrevivir, la separación y la limitación,
A tu verdadera Realidad de Expresión Divina,
Para ayudarte a incorporar tu Espíritu/Presencia de Dios en tu cuerpo, para convertirte en un humano divino!
Y ayudarte a encarnar tu Maestría para crear el Cielo en tu Vida,
Y manifestar tu visión del cielo en la Tierra.!

La Maestría de la Ascensiòn 101 - ELibro
$10 AUD

Ascension Mastery 101 German Version

Der Aufstieg

von ZaKaiRan

(Himmelfahrt Mastery 101 - Deutsch Übersetzung)
Ascension Mastery 101 by ZaKaiRan - German Translation


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12,90 EUR
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Lieferzeit: 3-4 Tage in Deutschland

"Wir sind fürwahr gesegnet, jenseits allen menschlichen Verständnisses, in dieser wirklich bemerkenswerten Zeit des Aufstiegs dieses Planeten zu einem Stern zu leben und des Aufstiegs der Menschheit in unsterbliche Lichtkörper. Wenn ihr mit diesem Wissen erkennt, wie wahrhaft unglaublich diese Zeit ist, dann wird euer Erstaunen alle menschlichen Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten übersteigen.

Dieser Planet steigt auf. Und wir als Spezies auf ihm steigen auf. Wir erleuchten das Menschsein, die Spezies und das menschliche Bewusstsein. Jeder Einzelne von uns steigt auf und wir steigen gemeinsam auf, hinein in ein bewusstes Gewahrsein unserer wahren Natur der Göttlichkeit, des Einsseins miteinander, mit der Erde und des Einsseins mit allem Leben. Unser Gewahrsein dehnt sich vollkommen über die begrenzte Wahrnehmung der Realität der alten Zivilisation aus.

Wir tun nicht mehr, als aktiv und bewusst den Himmel auf Erden gemeinsam zu erschaffen, indem wir unseren Geist herunterbringen, unsere wahre Natur, unsere Essenz, hinein in diese begrenzten Körper und erschaffen sie somit neu, damit sie unbegrenzt sind, indem wir wirklich vollständig hier sind. Wir erschaffen gemeinsam den Himmel auf Erden, indem wir unser Gewahrsein und die Wahrnehmung des Selbst ausdehnen und indem wir die überwältigenden kosmischen Meister sind, die wir bereits sind und so innerhalb dieser menschlichen Körper handeln..."

Dieses Buch enthält grundlegende Empfehlungen, wie du dich selbst aus dem Traum des Überlebenskampfes, der Trennung und Begrenzung erweckst, hinein in die wahre Realität deines göttlichen Ausdrucks! Es hilft dir dabei, deine göttliche Gegenwart und Meisterschaft zu verkörpern, um den Himmel in deinem Leben zu erschaffen und deine Vision des Himmels auf Erden zu manifestieren!

All die wichtigen Aspekte welche den Aufstieg betreffen, werden in leicht verständlicher Weise vom australischen Autoren und Aufstiegsspezialisten ZaKaiRan vermittelt, so dass sie praktisch umsetzbar sind. Der Inhalt umfasst Themen wie Aufstieg, das Leben als Einweihung, genetischer Wandel, Gesundheit und der Lichtkörper, dem Höheren Selbst folgen, göttlicher Ausdruck, Opferrolle und Schuldzuweisungen, Gefühle, Persönlicher Wille / Göttlicher Wille, das Paradoxon Trennung und Einssein und vieles mehr.

Anderen erstaunlichen Bücher in deutscher Sprache von R. Lipper-Verlag & Edition Lysa Veröffentlicht - http://www.lippert-verlag.de

Other Amazing Books in German Published by R. Lipper-Verlag & Edition Lysa - http://www.lippert-verlag.de


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Excerpts from
Ascension Mastery 101

The Ascension

We are indeed blessed, beyond all human understanding, to be living in this truly remarkable time of the Ascension of this planet into a Star, and humanities Ascension into immortal bodies of Light. If you look with your knowing, to see how truly awesome this time is, you will be amazed beyond all human expression.

This planet is Ascending. And we as the species upon it are Ascending. We are enlightening humanness, the species and consciousness of human. We are ascending individually and communally, in conscious awareness of our true nature of Divinity, oneness with each other, the earth, and oneness with All Life. Our awareness is expanding completely beyond the old civilization’s limited perception of reality.

We are doing nothing less then actively and consciously Co-Creating Heaven on Earth...

Physically we are ascending as a species. We are literally becoming light...

We are creating a galactic human species; a civilization of light that lives every day as masters of Divine Expression...

We are literally becoming the Gods that we already are.

Be Who You Truly Are!

Live Heaven !

Chapter 1

Heaven on Earth

We are Co-Creating Heaven on Earth, this is the planetary ascension now taking place. How life will be in this new Golden Age of Light is exactly as you imagine it to be from the simple description – Heaven on Earth.

Heaven on Earth is manifesting with or without your help. This is an unconditional ascension, it is an absolute, a certainty of the Divine Plan for this planet. It is it’s next step in evolution. Ascended Master Sanat Kumara has passed on the embodiment (planetary logos) of this planet to Lord Buddha. Lord Buddha will now take us into the 7th Golden Age of Light...

.....Co-Create Heaven on Earth in your life. Manifest your vision of Heaven on Earth! You are its creator. You are the vision! You are Heaven, a walking talking individual expression of Heaven! Heaven on Earth is here now!

Chapter 2

Life is the Initiation

As the transition continues, count on initiations – life is the mystery school. Count on your life completely and totally changing. Count on radical shifts in conscious awareness. Count on everything in your life no longer being important. Count on great inner technological abilities.

...Heaven on Earth is manifested by your willingness to give up everything you have known, the bad as well as the good. To surrendering to the mystery.

Heaven on Earth is manifested by your commitment to giving up free will to Divine will. So the initiations will continue until there is no doubt left in you. Because doubt and confusion are not your natural states. You will be asked to redefine your perceptions of everything: family, friends, relationships, children, money, things, nature, space, ETs, etc...

Chapter 3

The Genetic Shift

This ascension is a genetic ascension, as well as a spiritual one. You have been limited by your genetics, on physical human levels. Your DNA was altered so that you would only experience limitation. Your DNA is now being transmuted to enable a more unlimited expression. You can honestly blame a lot of your limitation in life on your genetics, because you are a divine Spirit doing your best to express through a very limited physical form.

We are becoming crystalline in nature, where our cells no longer die and replace themselves, but metamorphose at will. Being silicon based rather than carbon based. We are becoming Air beings, rather than Earth beings, able to flow, and fly and change at will.

Chapter 4

Be yourself (Divine Selfishness)

That’s it. Be yourself and you are enlightened. Discover and know your true Divine Essence, that eternal unchanging ever present essential beingness that you are. The biases and predispositions of your true nature and the Divine rhythm individual to you, your Divine Character. Discover and know your unique gifts that you offer to humanity and all of creation. Discover and know your Divine Function, (what you do best in the scope of ascension), that is inherent to your essential personality, the natural bias of your divine essence.

You are one with All That Is, but you are unique, there is no one like you in all of creation. You are an awesome wonder of the workings of the Omniverse, an integral part of the entire creation of All That Is. You are God expressing itself at a single point. You are a unique, individual, creative, divine, expression of All That Is, and without you - All That Is would not be complete.

Discover and cultivate true sense of self...

Chapter 5

Heaven on Earth Now!

Everybody asks me: “When will Heaven on Earth be here? When will the new world manifest? When will things change? When will I be awake fully? Here’s the cosmic joke: it is already here, but you just don’t recognize it. You are already awake, but you believe otherwise. You’re still dreaming the dream instead of being the dream.

His disciples said to him, “When will the repose of the dead come about, and when will the new world come?” He said to them, “What you look forward to has already come, but you do not recognize it”. His disciples said to him, “When will the kingdom come?” Jesus said, “It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying, ‘here it is’, or ‘there it is’. Rather, the kingdom of the father is spread out upon the earth, and men do not see it”. – Gospel of Thomas, Nag Hammadi texts, Codex book 2.

Be enlightened now!...

Chapter 6

You Are Perfect!

The most important thing you can do for yourself and your awakening process, is to Recognize Your Magnificence, for you to recognize how totally awesome you are; to know how loving you are; how truthful you are; how gentle; how kind; how strong; how compassionate; how caring; how powerful; how beautiful you truly are - now - without any changes or adjustments, without getting rid of anything that is part of your beingness, just as you are now, you are absolute magnificence.

You are perfect just the way you are. Recognize and be this perfection, do not doubt it for a second. You, consciousness you, and the human character you have developed, are intricately and perfectly designed for the expression you are, for the expression of the wholeness of All That Is.

Chapter 7

Patience / Impatience

As a planetary ascension transitioner, it will be highly beneficial to your sanity to develop patience, because you will be waking up fast and furiously and everyone around you will be crawling like turtles. You may at times become quite frustrated with the rest of humanity. You must realize that your experience of reality is not dependent on others, and you have all of eternity to do whatever you need to do and experience. You have no creative control over others, other than being your true Divine Self. So you will have to be patient with your brothers and sisters and know when it is time to be impatient because there is something to be done. Patience is something that is natural when you realize that you are not limited by time, when you live in the moment.

Chapter 8

Have Fun!

This is my next biggest recommendation Have Fun!

Play a lot!

Funny makes the world go round!

Chapter 9

Health and Light Body

This entire process of realization to self, is in essence, preparing your physical body for light body. Full Ascension is when your light body is activated and you are vibrating at the speed of light. In the process of awakening, you are preparing your body for light body. You must become light in order for you as Higher Self (Light Being) to reside within your form.

...Clean your colon. Get your sewer system working well to clear out all those toxins. Detox your liver and kidneys.

Eat Spirulina (excellent concentrated mutation food). Take NACLO2 (stabilized electrolytes of oxygen). (Oxygen is the number one element we need for optimum health. No disease can exist in an oxygen rich environment). Eat sea salt and sea minerals to conduct electricity through your nervous system. Spend lots of time in the ocean, lakes, rivers, (for flow) and nature, to ground you to the earth, and balance out all that cosmic energy you are embodying. Get lots of massages and take lots of epsom salt baths and bubble baths, with lots of essential oils in the water.

Anything you can do to assist your body do it. But do not get bogged down in trying to create the perfect healthy body...

"What will be the most beneficial way to heal yourselves?
I would say it would be to take a nice long bath in a pool of love".

Sananda through Eric Klein

Chapter 10


Give yourself permission to feel every possible feeling imaginable about anything. Give yourself permission to be judgemental and opinionated. ‘You’ have no judgements, only the human you thinks you do. Realize the difference between judgement and discernment. What you believe to be an opinion, or judgement might just be your discernment of the truth.

Enjoy all aspects of humanness, the clean parts and the messy parts. Give yourself permission to be outrageous and expressive, to say what you think and express what you feel. Do not edit yourself...

...Remain open at all times.

...Do everything with passion and compassion

Be gentle, kind, generous, merciful, and compassionate...

Chapter 11

All the World’s a Stage…

Life is an acting part, a movie, a dream. You are an actor in other people’s movies and in your own. We are the director, the supporter, set designer etc, and sometimes just an extra. You are an actor in the drama of humanness and creation. The drama of separation that builds into a nice happy ending – Heaven on Earth. Oops, I gave away the ending, oh well, you already knew the ending anyway you just willingly forgot it so that you could play the part convincingly.

Since you know it’s a play, go ahead and have fun acting in it...

Chapter 12

The Paradox – Separation and Oneness

Delight in the separation! Marvel at your individual aloneness. You are a unique individual unlike any other being in all of creation, and paradoxically, you are most definitely One with everyone and everything in this Universe of universes. You are special and so is everyone else, everyone and everything, all individual miraculous expressions of All That Is - all alone, AllOne.

You are oneness and separation...

You are a spirit having a human experience, not a human having a spiritual experience...

Experience the magnificence of your aloneness, your AllOneness.

Chapter 13

Following Spirit (Higher Self)

To experience and live within the paradox of oneness and separation, you must connect to your Higher Self. You must merge the unlimited, cosmic, spiritual world, with the world of form and limitation. You must Follow your Spirit without Hesitation.

You as human are accelerating your consciousness and body, reaching up to the realm of spirit to Higher Self – this is Ascension. You are pulling your Spirit into you, and your Spirit is doing its best to enlighten the human you, so that human you can be more embodied by Spirit – which is descension (or inscension).

How do I follow Spirit?...

“Wisdom is simply accepting what you know. Knowing never grows. Knowing is always what it is in each moment, and what it is in each moment is enough. If you needed more in any moment you would have it. If you don't have it, you don't need it. That is Wisdom” – Alarius – ET Earth Mission

"To be a Divine instrument and channel higher truth into this dimension is easy. All you need to do is stop lying, quit editing, move to a position in which what others think about you won't determine what you will or will not do, transcend the need to be sure you are right, and follow your Spirit without hesitation". Alarius – ET Earth Mission

Positive Affirmations and Positive Thinking...

Chapter 14

Divine Expression

It is now time to release all of your limitation agreements, everything that you have used to keep yourself asleep. It is time to release all that you are not, to reveal what is really you. Mastery of limitation is over, it is now time for mastery of Divine Expression. Clear all limiting energies from you and be done with it, then there’s nothing to do but BE.

All contracts, oaths, vows, obligations, commitments and agreements with limiting structures, perceptions, realities, people, relationships, entities, guides, energies, etc., that no longer serves your mastery of Divine Expression are all officially cancelled. Any and all human psychic/astral cords of dependency are now officially disconnected.

Chapter 15

Perceptual Reality
What’s your Fascination?

All reality is perceptual. The reality you live in is based on how you perceive reality to be now in your consciousness. Manifestation / Creation can be perceived in an infinite number of ways....

All manifestation is a result of your fascinations...

If you are fascinated with conflict, you will manifest war. If you are fascinated with unity, you will manifest peace, it is that simple...

...The New Civilization of Light that is manifesting is a 5th dimensional reality. There are no victims in this reality and nothing needs to be healed.... Your identity and life context in this 5th dimensional reality is that you are a Spirit having a human experience rather than a human having a spiritual experience, and that you are a multidimensional master here to co-create heaven on earth with other masters.

Question Reality!

Chapter 16

Victimhood and the Blame Game

Take responsibility for your current reality. Take responsibility for your manifestations that are a result of your perception of reality. Don’t do human denial pattern #1- the blame game. This is the typical reaction of poor me, I’m a victim to the world. This is the most typical of all human patterns of looking to the exterior environment for a cause to their suffering, instead of looking within to see what is real. There are no victims in the universe. Every experience is for your growth.

Victimhood is based on the illusion of unworthiness and powerlessness, where you do not know that you are the creator of your reality and that your exterior environment is a manifestation of your perception of reality... '

Chapter 17


Remember: it’s quality not quantity. Be fascinated with what you have more than what you do not have and your life will be transformed - this is prosperity consciousness. Recognize that you are already prosperous and have everything you need, even if it appears otherwise; if you needed more, you would have it. If you actually need more, it is only that you perceive lack, when the things you actually need are on their way, they’re just not in your presence yet, you are just projecting need before you actually need it.

Make your life a miracle!
Be a walking talking miracle worker!
Give Miracles!

Chapter 18

Personal Will / Divine Will

All personal desires are distortions of the universal longing to return to the source. Personal desire implies karma, something in the world of form must be manipulated to give you what you want – action/reaction. Personal will is linked to the egoic perception of lack (political self). Divine Will implies Grace. In the world of Divine Will, there is always enough, in fact, more than enough...

Let go of personal control and act from Divine control (Creation)...

“God grant me the Serenity to accept the things in my life where I do not have creative control, the courage to take responsibility for where I do have creative control, and the Wisdom to know the difference.”

“God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people I had to kill, because they pissed me off.” – Unknown author

Chapter 19


Forgive your past. Forgive your transgressors and your transgressions. Forgive yourself for your mistakes and realize that there are no mistakes. You are not a victim to any one or yourself. Every experience, good or bad, was for your spiritual growth and awakening to your own magnificence, for you to remember God through.

Mistakes are really gifts...

"Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me." Scotty, Chief Engineer USS Enterprise, NCC 1701.

Chapter 20


Part of accepting responsibility for your manifestations, for your experiences that you have drawn to you for your growth and upliftment, is being grateful for them.

This natural experience of gratefulness creates a life for you that is truly miraculous...

Be the Magnificent Master that you are!

Co-Create Heaven on Earth!

All my Love,



I Live within the Light.
I Love within the Light.
I Laugh within the Light.
I AM Sustained and Nourished By the Light.
I Joyously Serve the Light
For I AM the Light.
I AM the Light.
I AM the Light.


Archangel Ariel, Tashira Tachi ren, Angelic Outreach
Aliyah Ziondra - Wings of Glory - www.einsoph.com

Create Heaven In Your Life!

Co-Create Heaven On Earth!

You Are A Spirit
Having A Human Experience!

Not A Human
Having A Spiritual Experience!

Be a Divine Fool!

Be a Walking Talking Expression of Divinity!

“There Is Nothing That We Are Confronted With, That We Are Not Greater Than”.

Start Your Day With Love
Fill Your Day With Love
End Your Day With Love

Sathya Sai Baba

"To Really Live Life
You Must Again And Again Die Into It,
Not Out Of Collapse,
But Out Of Full-Blooded Surrender
To The Deepest Imperatives Of The Moment"

Ramos (Robert Augustus Masters)

You are a Human Being,
not a human doing

"To be a Divine instrument and channel higher truth into this dimension is easy. All you need to do is stop lying, quit editing, move to a position in which what others think about you won't determine what you will or will not do, transcend the need to be sure you are right, and follow your Spirit without hesitation". Alarius – ET Earth Mission

“Wisdom is simply accepting what you know. Knowing never grows. Knowing is always what it is in each moment, and what it is in each moment is enough. If you needed more in any moment you would have it. If you don't have it, you don't need it. That is Wisdom”    Alarius – ET Earth Mission

Be An Absolutely Unstoppable
Force of Evolution!

Be a Servant of Truth,
rather than a Master of Illusion!

“Consider The Possibility
That Everything You Thought
Was Wrong With You
Is Exactly What Is Right With You”.

Alarius - Extraterrestrial Earth Mission

Our Deepest Fear

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, "Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?" Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.

As we let our own light shine, we give other people permission to do the same; as we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

By Marianne Williamson – from her book "A Return to Love" – Reflections on the Principles of a ‘A Course in Miracles’

Be a Walking Talking Expression of Divinity!

Blessings on your Journey of Awakening to your Divine Magnificence!
